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Recalling My Time with The Shakerite

I was pleased today to appoint Eliot Call and Isabel Siegel as the chief editor and managing editor of The Shakerite. It’s been an honor working for such a well-regarded news organization over the last four years, and I am beyond proud of everything we accomplished.

In the last two years especially, we tackled some of the most challenging topics, including detracking, facilities, school safety, course cuts and criticism of the district’s choice of commencement speaker.

We faced and responded to criticism of our coverage and opinions.

We wrote editorials on schedules, school policies and local issues.

We endorsed a facilities ballot issue and candidates for local office.

We ran our most extensive coverage of local elections in the paper’s history.

Through all of it, I have been amazed at the dedication and professionalism of this talented team of student journalists, who have on at least three occasions stayed up past midnight to ensure our readers were well-informed about breaking news.

I could not leave The Shakerite in more capable hands.

I would be remiss if I did not thank Natalie Sekicky, The Shakerite’s adviser, who pushed me to become a better journalist and helped build my passion for journalism from freshman year on.

Natalie’s experience and wisdom helped shape all of my decisions as editor in chief. She was there, editing and offering guidance, even through those late-night breaking news stories. Neither I nor The Shakerite would be where we are today without her help.

I’m sure The Shakerite’s new leadership has big plans. I am confident that they will continue building on The Shakerite’s 94-year record of excellence. I look forward to seeing everything they can accomplish.